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Soul Codes

Please fill in your details so we can forward you a login code for your  free energy spray workshop. Come back to this page and choose the mandala and name of your spray to access your free workshop.

Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

Choose your code

As a free gift SoulCodes blessing and self-love will be accessible to all clients, Just click on the Blessing or Self-Love icon and enjoy.

dharma mandala
gratitude mandala
bliss mandala
sacred space mandala
P*ss off mandala
hope mandala
intune mandala
forgiveness mandala
silence mandala
gentleness mandala
insight mandala
invoke mandala
grace mandala
invoke mandala
protection mandala
compassion mandala
worthiness mandala
blessing mandala
surrender mandala
contemplation mandala
invite mandala
growth mandala
happiness mandala
success mandala
receptivity mandala
infuse mandala
creativity Mandala
ingine mandala
self love mandala

Contact Us



Thanks for submitting!

We open our beautiful shop whenever the sun shines.

Opening Hours:

Monday to Sunday 11am to 5:00pm if it's not raining.

​If you have made the effort to visit our shop and you find it closed, then please call Tamar, we are happy to open for you.

Need to get hold of us, please contact

Tamar +27817279939

Look out for our beautiful hand-painted Lotus mural on the side of our shop.

Located in Kalk Bay Village Square, 53 Main Road, Kalk Bay.

© 2023 by B.Voigt

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